I’m happy to announce NaSoLab Direct is now live and, based on my preliminary testing, seems to work well. NaSoLab Direct allows you to manage various features of your ArraySync license, such as serial retrieval, activation counter reset, create sublicenses, and remote activation.
Resend Serial Number
Have you lost or forgotten your serials? Enter your email address to have all the serials associated with it automatically sent to you.
Reset Activation Counter
Reset your serial’s activation counter. You may do this once within any 90-day period.
Create Sublicense
Create a temporary unlimited license to use in situations where you want to protect your real license, such as on rental or leased machines. This is for Unlimited and Academic license holders only.
Remote Activation
Need to activate on a computer that isn’t connected to the Internet? Go here to activate via smartphone or other web-connected device using the Remote Activator utility. This isn’t exactly new but is now part of NaSoLab Direct.
I’ve tested this to my satisfaction and found it to work well, but if you find any bugs or errors please immediately report them to support@nasolab.com. Enjoy!