How to automate the ArraySync startup process is by far the #1 question I receive on the tech support email and forum.
I have created two scripts with Automator. One will launch ArraySync server, wait twenty seconds (to ensure the application launches fully especially on cold boot) and then start the server. The other script will launch ArraySync Client, wait twenty seconds, and then launch and select the first item in the server list.
You can download them here.
I’ve tested both of these on two Macs, and all four tests seem to work fine for me. Please try these out for yourself and let me know if they work. I’d like to collect user reports before making them “official” on the ArraySync website.
How to use the scripts
First make sure both your server and clients already have videos selected for your displays.
Then, place the script you wish to use in a convenient location and set it to launch automatically on startup by going to System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> Login Items and adding it to the list.
Finally, set all the systems to automatically start and shut down around the same time. You can do this by going to System Preferences -> Energy Saver and clicking the Schedule… button. ArraySync will obey the system’s quit command, so you don’t need a special script to quit the application. Be sure to set the server to startup automatically a minute or two before the clients to ensure the server is running by the time the clients try to automatically connect.
One more thing…
Before running, make sure your Mac is set to automatically login and that your screensaver, sleep mode, screen dimming and any other settings that may interfere with your presentation are turned off.