No internet connection? Activate from your phone!

Based on a customer suggestion, I’ve written and uploaded a little app that you can use to activate ArraySync server on a computer that does not have an internet connection. This may be a server running on a rental unit at a conference center or other venue where an Internet connection is unavailable, or running […]

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Finally – ArraySync in Mac App Store

Apple has finally approved ArraySync for sale in the Mac App Store. Both ArraySync (server) and ArraySync Client can be purchased/downloaded from Apple’s online software store for Macs. They’ll be able to talk to standard web-downloaded versions of ArraySync too. It only took Apple three weeks but it felt like forever. If the Mac App […]

New Business-Friendly Licensing Options!

After some feedback from our early customers, I’m pleased to announce several new licensing options for ArraySync server. There are now four licenses offered: Personal License, Site License, Unlimited License, and Academic License. These new licenses allow greater flexibility and economy for organizations seeking large-scale ArraySync deployment. All existing customers have been converted to the […]

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A Quick Word on Updating ArraySync

This is just a quick note to remind our users that when you update ArraySync you must also update all the clients. The servers and clients must be the same version to see each other.

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ArraySync 1.0.1 Update Now Available

Hooray, the first ArraySync update! Today we’ve released ArraySync 1.0.1, which you can download from the ArraySync homepage for Mac OS X and Windows. Here’s a detailed explanation of each point in the changelog. Demo mode is now a fully functional 10 day trial period You can now try ArraySync fully functional for ten days. […]

Better Documentation is Coming

Many of our early customers have already pointed out that ArraySync documentation is rather insufficient right now. I will be working this week to put together a much more robust documentation section on the ArraySync website, including tutorials, troubleshooting tips, and videos. So stay tuned for that!

Play Keynote or PowerPoint Presentations in ArraySync

One great but little-used feature in Keynote is its ability to export to QuickTime. In doing so, you are instantly able to share your presentations with anyone using any computer running any platform, even if they don’t have Keynote. Well now it also has another use – exporting your presentations for ArraySync!